President:  Chloe Hill

Secretary: Michelle Hindmarsh

Treasurer: Jeanie Butler

OSCA was formed in 2013 to provide a vital link and encourage communication between the school, the Board of Trustees, the school families, and the wider Omakere community.  

OSCA’s main purpose is to support, by fundraising for both the school and the Omakere community.   

We hope to encourage parents/caregivers and the community to become involved by actively assisting the school with activities and supporting community events.  

Our annual fundraisers include;

If you have an event or opportunity that you think we may benefit from, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our committee members or email omakere.osca@gmail.com 

The OSCA committee meet twice a term at the school for our meetings.   Everyone is welcome to attend. Keep an eye out in the school newsletter for dates.  


And let's not forget these AMAZING businesses who support us too!   Thank you to everyone of them for their continued support to help fun our community bus!  We are forever grateful.  Please support them in return. 

Bus sponsors


OSCA has recently received a number of grants from various organisations.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their generous support.  

Port Nicholson Fisheries - Thank you for your donation of $2,000, these funds will be used to cover the running cost of the community bus that brings tamariki out from Waipukurau and Waipawa free of charge.  Thank you also to the fishing community of Omakere for your continuing support. 

Gwen Melden Trust - A grant was completed and we received $10,000 which will go towards the development of the new school car park.  Thank you to Nic Foley and Bev Kerr for completing the application and attending the interview for this grant.   

Holdsworth Charitable Trust - Thank you to the trust for their donation of $6,000 which has been spent on 10 new iPads for the Junior Room. Our Omakere students are very fortunate to have a device for every student, these are used on a daily basis in every classroom to enhance learning.


A huge thank you to Progressive Meats/Atkins Ranch who have once again supported our crutching fundraisers by donating delicious sausages to feed our hard working teams each night.  We are extremely grateful for your support!  Thank you. 


21/10/2020 Here’s a great photo of Estelle Humphries giving out the home-made packed lunches at the Omakere Coastal Hill Country Walk lunch break for the 263 walkers!


Hall Renovations - Completed July 2020

OSCA and the Hall committee have worked hard over the last three years to get funding to upgrade the kitchen at the Omakere Hall.  There are a number of organisations that we would like to thank for supporting this project; Omakere Playcentre,  Omakere Fire Brigade, Omakere Community, Infinity Foundation, Gwen Melden Trust and the CVOS  grant from the CHBDC.    They have all given considerable donations towards the kitchen and we are truely grateful for them, because without them this project would not have been able to be carried out.  

Crutching 2020

We have begun our 2020 fundraising year with our Annual Crutching.  This year we have 10 sheds to crutch at.  We are forever grateful for the support we get from our School families but also the community members that get in behind this event!  Thank you to the farmers who have supplied the sheep! We have 12,000 sheep to crutch.  

Omakere Coastal Hill Country Walk 2019

Crutching 2019

Our crutching fundraising for 2019 is coming to a close with only one shed left to do at some stage in April. Over the last 7 weeks we have crutched 15,000 sheep over 11 nights, this will bring in a gross profit of $13,500 with only refreshments to be deducted from this cost. The money raised will go towards the running costs of the two community owed school buses that travel out from Waipukurau and Waipawa each day.

 We would like to thank all the people that have helped out in some way during this time, it has been fantastic to see all the school families involved and a lot of the community members, in particular we would like to say thank you to:

- all the people who have given up their time to sweat it out over a handpeice, penning up, or on the broom each week

- all the farmers that have provided us with sheep to crutch and worked after hours to do so

- all the people that have supplied food to sustain the troops

- and all the non school families that have helped out on a regular basis, without your help we would have struggled to get the job done

 Once again, thank you all.


In 2018 $32,000 was raised through fundraising for our school and community.  The majority of our funds go towards the running of the community owned school buses, however we have also put money towards, chrome books, a shade sail, swings, the recent playground development as well as in recent years supporting local community organisations like Playcentre and the childcare facility with trees and play equipment.