
He aha te mea nui o te ao. 

What is the most important thing in the world?

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. 

It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

What is a localised curriculum about?

🌱 It is our values, our people, our place, our purpose 🌳

Our localised curriculum is designed to bring ākonga learning to life. It encompases whānau priorities and community aspirations for our tamariki realises our Omakere Values, and envisions the Enviroschool Principles that are our foundation - our purpose. 

Our whānau, community, and the students themselves have shared their voice to identify their strengths, interests, and needs. The localised curriculum links our vision "A vibrant, healthy school community where children are confident and resilient, life long learners' to our Graduate Profile. Our Graduate profile will be unveiled at the start of 2023 and focuses on progression for a purpose. 

Localised learning provides opportunity for tamariki to experience learning within their community, to cuild on capabilities, and to strengthen partnerships with whānau, iwi, and local and wider communities.

Omakere School Values

‘To be encouraged, modelled, and explored’ for students to become full members of society.

  At Omakere School we encourage and model the values, principles and intent of the New Zealand Curriculum with special emphasis on:  

Enviroschool Principles

‘Foundations of curriculum decision making’

Omakere School puts students’ passions, voice, and learning goals at the centre of all teaching and learning. Our principles underpin all planning and reflecting on the teaching, learning, and assessment opportunities and experiences at Omakere School.








BOARD Omakere School Strategic Plan 2023-2024-2025.pdf
Omakere School Approach to Behaviour

Supporting Documentation

The New Zealand Curriculum is a clear statement of what is deemed as important in education. This starting point creates a vision of our young people as lifelong learners who are confident, creative, connected, and actively involved, and includes a clear set of principles on which to base curriculum decision making.

NZ Curriculum.pdf